H.E. Ambassador Stephen Mubiru Delivers a Diplomatic talk at UMCS Institute of International Relations, Lublin, Poland

On 21 st November 2024, H.E. Amb. Stephen Mubiru, Head of Mission together with Ms. Jessica Namuddu, Second Secretary and Mr. Robert Ainebyona, Ugandan Student at UMSC met Prof. Arkadiusz Bereza, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, and in attendance was Prof. dr hab. Marek Pietras, Director of the Institute of International Relations (IIR) and Dr. Katarzyna Marzęda-Młynarska, Vice Director of the IIR.
The Vice-Rector noted that the University marked 80 years of existence and has students from all over the world including 7 students from Uganda. Areas of discussion during the meeting ranged from research collaboration and
academic exchanges to inter-university partnerships and scholarships.

The Head of Mission was invited by UMCS University for diplomatic talks, where he delivered a lecture titled “Uganda’s Role in Global Affairs: A Diplomatic Perspective.” Students and employees attended.